Creator of Uncommon Literature

Jeffrey Zygmont has pursued excellence in writing for close to four decades.
Progressing from newspaper reporting to magazine writing, to book-length investigations of big movements in American life, to iconoclastic fiction that examines contemporary culture, to poetry that celebrates common experience, and now even to children’s stories that convey values and encourage good behavior, he has created literature that seeks to inform, inspire and enrich people.
Jeff’s current works include the ten books below.

A resourceful child discovers nature
and makes friends

An adventurous child learns about lake life

Forest animals surprised by winter seek advice from Grandmother Dori

Falling toward redemption
A novel

Laughter that bites
A novel

A preview of history
A novel

Investment secrets from the wizards of venture capital; Non-finction

An idea, its genesis, and the revolution it created; non-fiction
Look for more new books soon. Jeff continues to write expressive and melodic poetry that captures the wonder and awe hidden in ordinary experiences. He continues to produce fiction and non-fiction that take a fresh and independent view of contemporary culture.
Jeff’s current focus is creating books — including new books of poetry and more books of prose — that focus on New England, his home region. His books are available through his publishing company, Free People Publishing, which specializes in books about New England.
More information is available at the website Free People Publishing.